
November 11, 2022 - January 14, 2023
Tim Hergersberg
Izabela Myszka
Olga Titus
With texts by Izabela Myszka and Luca Rey
>>>>> more information

August 20 - October 1, 2022
David Newman
Sex Sells So I Got You Some
Curated and organized by Brigitte Chapman

June 10 - July 16, 2022
Tashi Brauen
With a text by Chris Bünter

May 13 - June 18, 2022
Patricia Bucher
René Fahrni
Andrea Heller
Aldo Mozzini
Marion Ritzmann
Heiko Blankenstein
This ehibition was made possible by the Covid19 grant from the City of Zurich

Andrea Heller, René Fahrni, Marion Ritzmann

March 4 - April 2, 2022
Marc Elsener
The best paintings I`ve (n)ever burned
>>>>> more information

installation view: Marc Elsener

September 24 - October 31, 2021
Heiko Blankenstein

June 11 - July 31, 2021
Alina Kopytsa
Solo show and new DIENSTGEBÄUDE-edition
Text by Petra Tomljanovic
New edition out now!
Alina Kopytsa
`From Zurich with Love`
Silicone cast, 8 x 5 x 5 cm
Performance:` Twinning` at Kulturfolger
Saturday June 12, 7pm
The seats are limited with only 15 spectators allowed. Please RVSP your attendance info@kulturfolger.ch
in collaboration with Kulturfolger Zürich
>>>>> more information

`White Flowers`,
2019 - 2021, porcelain

April 16 - May 29, 2021
Livio Baumgartner
Soloshow with a new edition
Performance "Getting Windy" by Livio Baumgartner, Saturday May 29, 5pm

March 13 - April 10, 2021
Aida Kidane
Counting to Infinity Part 1, 2, 3
New Installations
New text by Nike Dreyer

December 12, 2020 - February 6, 2021
Imagine the Past – Reflecting the Future
(New) editions and (new) works by:
Marianne Engel / Anne-Laure Franchette / Colin Guillemet / Bob Gramsma / huber.huber / Nicolò Krättli / Markus Kummer / Andreas Marti / Valentina Pini / Urs August Steiner / Navid Tschopp / Sebastian Utzni / Wink Witholt / Silvie Zürcher

Colin Guillemet, Untitled (surprise), 2020, HD Video loop on lcd screen

December 7 - January 25, 2020
Catch of the Year(s)
Kevin Aeschbacher / Brigham Baker / Chloë Cheuk / Steven Emmanuel / Ramon Feller / Anne-Laure Franchette / Bob Gramsma / Colin Guillemet / Esther Kempf / Aida Kidane / Alina Kopytsia / Andreas Mallouris / Andreas Marti / Esther Mathis / Vinzenz Meyner / Melodie Mousset / Valentina Pini / Sebastian Utzni / Wink Witholt

Colin Guillemet, (in the back Vinzenz Meyner, Anne-Laure Franchette, Esther Mathis)

Saturday November 16, 2019
Carlos Fernandez
Where Light Is Needed
One day show
>>>>> more images and text is coming soon!

Diplomarbeiten 2019
Irina Boog, Michele Di Fede, Simona Langenegger, Pedro Rodrigues,
Stefanie Wagner
Opening Thursday 31. October, 5 - 9pm
November 1 - 8, 2019
daily opening times during exhibition time form 4 - 8pm

August 31 - September 28, 2019
at PS1 + PS3
Valentina Pini
Snake Oil
>>>>> Text by Simon Würsten Marin (PDF)
>>>>> more informations / more images soon...
>>>>> Flyer (PDF)
The exhibition of Valentina Pini is supported by Cantone Ticino, Fondo Swisslos, Dr Georg und Josi Guggenheim Stiftung and Curt Burgauer Stiftung

Valentina Pini

August 31 - September 28, 2019
at PS2
Roscha A. Säidow
Zürcher Olymp
Nomen et omen. The great-grandmother of Hera and Zeus lived at Üetli-Berg. This is all pure science.
Artist in residence at DIENSTGEBÄUDE by Index Wort und Wirkung
>>>>> more informations / more images soon...
>>>>> Flyer (PDF)
>>>>> Text Roscha A Säidow (PDF)

Roscha A. Säidow, Züricher Olymp

May 18 - June 29, 2019
Stefan Banz
Angels of the Champ
(91 portrait paintings by Stefan Banz of Marcel Duchamp`s friends, art critics, collectors, art dealers, lovers and art historians)
New DIENSTGEBÄUDE edition by Stefan Banz will be presented at the opening
New publication will be launched: STEFAN BANZ, Angles of the Champ, (Les Anges du champion / Die Engel des Meisters), _957 #?91 / _I.A.M._INDEPENDENT ART MAGAZINE, Herausgeber /| Editor: Stephan Wittmer / CHF 15

Angels of the Champ, installation view

March 1 - 30, 2019
PS1 Nicolò Krättli
(zwei Arbeiten in Zusammenarbeit mit Jonathan Banz)
>>>>> Text by Clara Louise Richard (PDF)
Performance with Nicolò Krättli, Thursday March 28, 7pm
more informations soon

Nicolò Krättli, installation view

March 1 - 30, 2019
PS3 Alexandra Meyer
more informations soon

Alexandra Meyer, Portraits (installation view)

Performative event:
Friday February 22, 2019, 7pm at DIENSTGEBÄUDE
Heather Kapplow
Luxury Study: Silver Edition
We all need luxuries, comforts—things or experiences that we find especially elegant or perfectly constructed in our lives—that we value more than other things regardless of what they cost.
In an effort to understand the emotional connections we have with the things we treasure most, you are invited to bring a treasured object or souvenir to Dienstgebaeude on February 22 at (7pm) to discuss it with the artist, and have it photographed. The first 24 items will be photographed in black and white Polaroid, containing silver.
Heather Kapplow, a US-based conceptual artist who has been in residence at Index for January-February 2019, studying what luxury is, invites you to come and participate in her research in person before she leaves at the end of February.
Please note:
Geh den Luxus / A Luxurious Walk
Monday, February 25 2019, 6pm at Paradeplatz !
Luxury Study: Golden Edition
Wednesday February 27, 2019. 8pm at Kulturfolger !
>>>>> more information

November 1 - 4, 2018
DIENSTGEBÄUDE at The Others, Torino
Marianne Engel
Ex Ospidale Maria Adelaide, Room 33, sitespecific Installation

September 7 - October 6, 2018
at PS 1
Sobranie Cocktail
Benedikte Bjerre (DK), Delphine Chapuis Schmitz CH), Maren Dagny Juell Kristensen (NO), Julien Previeux (FR), Morgane Tschiember (FR), Sergio Verastegui (PE/FR)
curated by Julia Cistiakova and Ekaterina Shcherbakova
>>>>> more informations / more images
>>>>> Flyer (PDF)
at PS3
Colin Guillemet
Great Expectations
>>>>> more informations / more images
>>>>> Flyer (PDF)
Kindly supported by Georg und Josi Guggenheim Stiftung and Danish Arts Foundation

Installation view of Sobranie Cocktail

Installation view of Great Expectations by Colin Guillemet

June 8 - 30, 2018
at PS1
Le Ore Piccole
Francesco Cagnin, Mattia Comuzzi, Caterina De Nicola, Valentina Demicheli, Lucas Erin, Simon Fahrni, Gabriele Garavaglia, Lorenza Longhi, Vinzenz Meyner, Ilaria Vinci
organized by Vinzenz Meyner
>>>>> more informations / more images
>>>>> Flyer (PDF)
Kindly supported by Instituto Italiano Zurigo

Installation view of Le Ore Piccole

June 8 - 30, 2018
at PS3
Nicolas Polli
Ferox, the Forgotten Archives 1976 - 2010
crrated by Tara Lasrado
and Alessandra Gabaglio, Progetto6000
>>>>> more informations / more images
>>>>> Flyer (PDF)

Installation view Nicolas Polli, Ferox, the Forgotten Archives 1976 - 2010

April 19 - 22, 2018
Brigham Baker
29 solo shows assembled into one single exhibition at former Ateliers Coppens, curated by Niekolaas Johannes Lekkerkerk

April 13 - 21, 2018
at PS1
Aida Kidane
7 Works
>>>>> more informations / more images
>>>>> Flyer (JPG)
at PS3
Franziska Becher
open residency studio
(in collaboration with Index Freiraum Residency by wortundwirkung)
>>>>> more informations / more images

February 3 - 24, 2018
One was Going Down to The Road // Transitory Reflections
Ana Chaduneli, Eva Dietrich, Esther Eppstein, Frances Belser, Jan Chudzilov, Mtvarisa Joyce, Mika Motskobili, Mariam Natroshvili & Detu Jincharadze, Nini Khuroshvili, Nutsa Esebua, Koka Vashakidze, Khatia Tchokhonelidze in collaboration with Ina Ciumakova, Sabine Hagmann, Sara&Natascha, Tamar Chaduneli
Ausstellungsappendix: Screening Video-Auswahl aus der „Georgian video art & moving image archive“
Kurator: Giorgi Spanderashvili
>>>>> more informations / more images
>>>>> Text (PDF)

Nov 25, 2017 - Jan 27, 2018
PS1 + PS2
100 Artists / 100 Works
Tonjaschja Adler, Kevin Aeschbacher, Luigi Archetti, Brigham Baker, Sylvain Baumann, Flurin Bisig, Heiko Blankenstein, Amélie Brisson-Darveau, Patricia Bucher, Martin Chramosta, Brigitte Dättwyler, Lewis Davidson, Mark Divo, Benjamin Egger, Steven Emmanuel, Klodin Erb, Joëlle Flumet, Bastien Gachet, Federica Gärtner, Andrea Good, Colin Guillemet, Christian Herdeg, Dominik His, Susanne Hofer, Dimitri Horta, huber.huber, Gilles Jacot, Monica Ursina Jäger, Jahic / Roethlisberger, Daniela Keiser, Claire Kenny, Aida Kidane, Johanna Kotlaris, Eva-Fiore Kovacovsky, Vincent Kriste, Renée Levi, Andrea Marioni, Andreas Marti, Esther Mathis, Carol May, Joëlle Menzi, Alexandra Meyer, Vinzenz Meyner, Thomas Moor, Yoan Mudry, Valentina Pini, Jessica Pooch, Nicolas Raufaste, Rico Scagliola & Michael Meier, Sarah Robins, Karin Schwarzbek, Jan Sebesta, Veronika Spierenburg, Julia Steiner, Urs August Steiner, Stella, Gregory Sugnaux, Paul Takács, Lena Maria Thüring, Olga Titus, Navid Tschopp, Sebastian Utzni, Juliette Uzor, Hanne Van Dyck, Marcel van Eeden, Walter Pfeiffer / Urs August Steiner, Martina-Sofie Wildberger, Wink Witholt, Ian Wooldridge, Silvie Zürcher
>>>>> more informations / more images
>>>>> Flyer (PDF)
>>>>> list of works (PDF)
Juliette Uzor
With performance at the opening: Juliette Uzor and Elie Autin
>>>> more informations / more pics

Installation view Catch of the Year 2017

Installation Juliette Uzor, Piazzetta, at PS3

November 2 - 5, 2017
DIENSTGEBÄUDE at The Others Fair Torino
Chloë Cheuk / Andreas Marti
Site specific installations in a former hospital
DIENSTGEBÄUDE is the winner of the Premio Intrauma Art Prize at The Others!
Ex Hospidale Maria Adeleide
Lungo Dora Firenze 87, Torino

November 3 - 11, 2017
Opening Friday November 3, 5 - 8pm
Fotodesign Diplomausstellung 2017
(Höhere Fachprüfung für Fotodesignerinnen und Fotodesigner)
Boog Irina, Brooks Michael Alan, Da Rold Pascal, Granzin Katja, Kehrli Ernst Alexander, Langenegger Simona, Liechti
Jonathan, Minder Christa, Vaucher Anne-Camille, Weiss Dirk, Bräm Noëmi, Oppliger Seraina, Rosasco Marco,
Nussbaumer Nora, Lehmann Ramon, Riegger Roman
>>>>> www.fotodesign.ch

October 26 - 29, 2017
DIENSTGEBÄUDE presents at ON / OFF (Kunst 17 Zürich):
Brigham Baker

Summer show: August / September
Pearl / Gem / Spam
Brigham Baker, Jonas Etter, Tina Greg, Esther Kempf, Andreas Marti, Dominic Michel
During August and September we will present selected works out of DIENSTGEBÄUDE studios.
Performance by Esther Kempf
at 5pm, July 28 (only if the sun is shining!)
Ongoing at PS3: Chloë Cheuk
>>>>> more informations / more images

Installation view, Dominic Michel and Brigham Baker

June 2 - July 1, 2017
PS1 + PS2
Performing Knowledge
Stephane Barbier Bouvet, Delphine Chapuis-Schmitz, Gilles Furtwängler, Dominique Koch, Alex Martinis Roe (Display structure in collaboration with Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga, Poster in collaboration with Chiara Figone), Sally Schonfeldt, Anna Witt
Performance by Delphine Chapuis-Schmitz: Saturday July 1
Curated by Yasmin Afschar and Gioia Dal Molin
>>>>> more informations / more images
Chloë Cheuk (HK)
Side Effects
>>>>> more informations / more images

April 8 - May 13, 2017
PS1 / PS2
Old Dogs - New Tricks #2
Urs August Steiner / Walter Pfeiffer
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
curated by Juliane Wolski
>>>>> more informations / more images
L.A. Nude
>>>>> more informations / more images

Installation view Walter Pfeiffer / Urs August Steiner

April 20 - 24, 2017
Yoan Mudry (Genève)
DIENSTGEBÄUDE has been selected as one of the 21 Independent art spaces at this years edtiton of POPPOSITIONS in Brussels at ING ART CENTER (Place Royale / Koningsplein 6, Brussels)
curated by Niekolaas Johannes Lekkerkerk
>>>>> more informations / more images

March 2 - 17, 2017
Screenings / Exhibition / Book launch
Alles ist gut
“Alles ist Gut” is an exhibition on the evolution of alternative spaces and cultures in the city of Zurich over the last fifty years.
The voices of their protagonists, the contribution of experts from different fields, and detailed infographics will accompany the visitor in the (re)-discovery of this scene, to allow for a better
understanding of its present situation and start a reflection about its future developments.
The last decades showed us that a different city is possible. Are we satisfied with what we have today? Or it is time to claim something more?
Res Keller & Thomas Sacchi, Kalkbreite, 22.08.2014 – *
Esther Eppstein, Perla-Mode, 01.09.2006 – 31.01.2015
Samuel Iseli, Boschbar, 08.06.1996 – 09.05.2005
Mischa Brutschin, Rote Fabrik, 22.07.1989 – 07.12.1989
Steff Fischer, Karthago, 10.10.1982 – 02.02.1986
Markus Punky Kenner, Rote Fabrik
Werni Weber, Autonome Republik Bunker
March 17, 2017, Abschlusssymposium mit // Final Symposium with:
Giorgio Iemmolo- Diskussionsleiter // Moderator
Marc Angst (nrs-team) - Zwischenutzungen // Temporary Architecture
Philipp Klaus (INURA Zürich Institut) - Sozialgeographie // Social Geography
Markus Nollert (Nextzürich) - Alternative Stadtentwicklung // Alternative Urban Planning
Olga Stefan - Offspaces
Vesna Tomse - Stadtaktivismus // Urban Activism
Tobias Bernet- Alternative Wohnformen // Alternative Housing
A project by Michele D`Ariano Simionato and Marco Jacomella
In collaboration with Patrick Alexander, Giorgio Iemmolo, Raphael Schoen, Vesna Tomse, and David Ziegler
>>>>> more informations / more images

November 26, 2016 - February 4, 2017
PS1 / PS2
Catch of the Year 2016
100 Künstler - 100 Werke
Olivia Albanell, Judith Albert, Mitchell Anderson, Arienne & Pascale Birchler, Aubry/Broquard, Josse Bailly, Tizian Baldinger, Peter Baracchi, Jürgen Baumann, Beni Bischof, Sandra Boeschenstein, Alan Bogana, Maya Bringolf, Thierry Bröhm, Jonas Burkhalter, Delphine Chapuis Schmitz, Chloe Cheuk, Chloe Delarue, Quynh Dong, Christoph Eisenring, Marc Elsener, Marianne Engel, Robert Estermann, Aurèle Ferrier, Noël Fischer, Gilles Fontolliet, Franziska Furter, Germann & Lorenzi, Ingo Giezendanner, Clare Goodwin, Bob Gramsma, Colin Guillemet, Michael Günzburger, Sarah Hablützel, Thomas Hauri, Lucas, Herzig, Nicole Hoesli, Susanne Hofer, Simone Holliger, Géraldine Honauer, Tom Huber, huber.huber, Monica Ursina Jäger, JocJonJosch, Daniela Keiser, Lubomira Laurikova, Simon Ledergerber, Les Frères Chapuisat, Lutz & Guggisberg, Georgette Maag, Jso Maeder, Andreas Marti, Esther Mathis, Giuseppe Micciché, Michael Meier & Christoph Franz, Mickry 3, Yoan Mudry, Nicolasa Navarrete, Onzgi, Céline Peruzzo, Valentina Pini, Artemis Potamianou, Silva Reichwein, Marion Ritzmann, Niklaus Rüegg, Philipp Rupp, Patric, Sandri, Vittorio Santoro, Katja Schenker, Karoline Schreiber, Monika Stalder, Bruno Karl Stebler, Urs August Steiner, STELLA, Sandro Steudler, Peter Tillessen, Elias Tsakmakis, Alexia Turlin, Sebastian Utzni, Christian Vetter, Martina-Sofie Wildberger, Lydia Wilhelm
Perfomance Saturday November 26, 8 - 9pm:
Martina Sofie Wildberger (with Tobias Bienz, Denise Hasler and Tanja Turpeinen)
Artists publications by Edition Piano Nobile:
Thomas Julier / Esther Mathis / Yoan Mudry / Francesco Pedraglio / Chloé Delarue
Design: Studio Rubic
>>>>> more informations / more images
Nicolas Raufaste
After Tropical Race 4
>>>>> more informations / more images
Mit speziellem Dank an Welti-Furrer Fine Arts für den Transport!

Installation view Catch of the Year 2016

October 27 - 30, 2016
DIENSTGEBÄUDE at ON / OFF at Kunst 16 Zürich:
Valentina Pini
>>>>> more informations / more images www.onoff.today

Installation view at Kunst 16, Valentina Pini

September 3 - October 8, 2016
Soundperformance at the opening by Tom Huber, Soeren Berner and Florian Schuppisser at 9pm
JocJonJosch (GB/CH)
Minor Hell
>>>>> more infos / more images
Tom Huber (CH)
I changed but it feels the same
>>>>> more infos / more images
Artemis Potamianou
On the Origins of Art
>>>>> more informations / more images
The exhibition of JocJonJosh is kindly supported by ArtPro Wallis

Installation view: JocJonJosch

June 8 - September 11, 2016
DIENSTGEBÄUDE at Gasträume Zürich (KiöR)
Les Frères Chapuisat
Altstetterplatz, Bahnhof Altstetten, Zurich
>>>>> more informations / more images

Les Frères Capuisat, Intersection, 2016, Sandstone

Summer Show
June 25 - September 1, 2016
What (no) Money does for Art(ists): Some Parallel Events
Aaron Angell, Jürgen Baumann, Delphine Chapuis Schmitz, Julian Charrière, Steven Emmanuel, Harun Farocki, Fabribra, Marco Fedele di Catrano, Federica Gärtner, Ingo Giezendanner, Bob Gramsma, Lucas Herzig, Jan Hostettler, Esther Kempf, Markus Kummer, Andreas Marti, Mickry 3, Jonas Schnyder, Unknown Artist, Lawrence Weiner, Wink Witholt
A summer group show, curated by Andreas Marti
>>>>> more informations / more images

Delphine Chapuis Schmitz, The Other Side of the Story, 2012

June 3 - 11, 2016
Shallow Paradise
Tanja Etzensberger, Anne Gritli Faulhaber, Julius Hatt, Tim Hergersberg, Naum Hirsl, Philipp Rupp, Lionne Saluz, Bruno Karl Stebler, Wassili Widmer, Fabian Zemp, Vera Zurbrügg
Dozenten: Rico Scagliola, Michael Meier, Miriam Wiesel, Urs Stahel. Assistentin: Melanie Mathieu
ZHdK at DIENSTGEBÄUDE, Modul „MakingThinking“

Image: Bruno Karl Stebler, Instabile Welt, 35° 11’ 12.68“ N, 136° 52’ 7.86“ O, 2016

April 2 - 30, 2016
Che c`è di nuovo?
Alan Bogana, Karim Forlin , Nina Haab, Lucas Herzig, Hanna Hildebrand, Johanna Kotlaris, Marta Margnetti, Andrea Marioni , Eleonora Meier, Marco Scorti, Sisters From Another Mister (Amelia Prazak e Milda Lembertaite), Vera Trachsel
Curated by Elio Schenini
This is a parallel project with MASI Lugano (Palazzo Reale, March 19 - June 19)
supported by Burgauer Stiftung
>>>>> more informations / more images

Tuesday March 8, 2016, 7 - 9pm
Itinerant Projects presents:
An Evening at the Nickelodeon: Towards Dada in Moving Images
In the United States, Nickelodeons were the first indoor facilities dedicated to screening motion pictures, usually in converted storefronts. For about 20 years, starting in 1905 until the rise of the movie palaces of the 1920s, Nickelodeons were there to offer a more intimate movie experience to Everyman.
The name for these makeshift movie theaters came from the entrance fee, which was a nickel (5c).
Films by:
Georges Melies, Hans Richter, Rene Clair, Marcel Duchamp, Germaine Dulac...
Presented by Itinerant Projects, Olga Stefan
>>>>> more informations / more images

November 28, 2015 - February 6, 2016
PS1 / PS2:
100 Artists / 100 Works
Lena Amuat & Zoë Meyer, Stefan Banz, Jürgen Baumann, Selina Baumann, David Berweger, Heiko Blankenstein, Tashi Brauen, Maya Bringolf, Amélie Brisson-Darveau, Thierry Bröhm, Chloe Cheuk, Dionys Dammann & Adrian Germann, Brigitte Dätwyler, Bettina Diel, Christoph Eisenring, Ruth Erdt, Jon Etter, Jonas Etter, Michael Etzensperger, Quentin Euverte, René Fahrni, Marco Fedele di Catrano, Joëlle Flumet, Gina Folly, Gilles Fontolliet, Karim Forlin, Anne-Laure Franchette, Matthias Gabi, Marcel Gähler, Jeroen Geel, Nicola Genovese, Ingo Giezendanner GRRRR, Sarah Hablützel, Gregory Hari, Valentin Hauri, Pascal Häusermann, Tom Huber, huber.huber, Lauren Huret & Hunter Longe, Rémi Jaccard, Esther Kempf, Eva-Fiore Kovacovsky, Claudia Kübler, Sandra Kühne, Milenko Lazic, Brigitte Lustenberger, Lutz & Guggisberg, Andreas Marti, Luc Mattenberger, Nicolas Micros, Thomas Moor, Severin Müller, Garrett Nelson, Ursula Palla, Pause ohne Ende, Valentina Pini, Kyung Roh Bannwart, Ilona Ruegg, Claudia Schmid, Jonas Schnyder, Christoph Schreiber, Jules Spinatsch, Jürg Stäuble, Robert Steinberger, Reto Steiner, Denis Stoffner, Peter Tillessen, Veli & Amos, Eva Vuillemin, Markus Weggenmann, Lawrence Weiner, Katharina Anna Wieser, Martina-Sofie Wildberger, Lydia Wilhelm, Ian Wooldridge, Jiajia Zhang
Chloé Delarue
curated by Marie-Eve Knoerle (Piano Nobile, Geneva)
The solo show of Chloé Delarue is an exchange project with Piano Nobile and DIENSTGEBÄUDE,
supported by Pro Helvetia, Fond cantonal d`art contemporain, Fondation Oertli, Burgauer Stiftung
(PS4: Inrvention by Steven Emmanuel)
Guided tour I / Führung I
Samstag 12. Dezember 2015 um 18 Uhr: Gioia Dal Molin und Andreas Marti durch CATCH OF THE YEAR
Guided tour II / Führung II
Freitag 29. Januar 2016 um 18 Uhr, Gioia Dal Molin und Andreas Marti durch CATCH OF THE YEAR
>>>>> Flyer (PDF)
>>>>> Artist/Work List CATCH OF THE YEAR 2015 (PDF)
>>>>> Text Chloé Delarue by Marie-Eve Knoerle (PDF)
>>>>> more infos and pics

November 12 - December 19, 2015
DIENSTGEBÄUDE at Piano Nobile, Geneve:
Esther Mathis
Isolated Systems
This is an exchange project with Piano Nobile and DIENSTGEBÄUDE, curated by Marie-Eve Knoerle, Piano Nobile
>>>>> more informations / more images

Credits: Mauve Serra

October 29 - November 1, 2015
Thomas Moor
Cargo Veils
>>>>> more informations / more images

October 24 - 30, 2015
Fotodesign Diplomausstellung 2015
(Höhere Fachprüfung für Fotodesignerinnen und Fotodesigner)
Opening: Friday October 23, 17 - 20 Uhr
Opening hours: daily from 2 - 6pm (24. - 30. October)
>>>>> more informations / more images
>>>>> Website Fotodesign

September 12 - October 10, 2015
Mickry 3
Ein geiler Raum
Steven Emmanuel
My biscuit ate itself
Céline Peruzzo
>>>>> more informations / more images

May 29 - June 27, 2015
Jonas Etter
You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours
Artist Talk with Jonas Etter and Gioia Dal Molin Friday July 3, 6 - 7pm
>>>>> more informations / more images

March 20, 8pm - Filmscreening and Artist Talk
Marina Belobrovaja
Warm - Glow
Film Screening:
"Warm-Glow" a movie by Marina Belobrovaja (50 min.)
Artist talk with Marina Belobrovaja in conversation with Annamira Jochim and Monika Kästli
Eine Gruppe aus Schweizer PolitikerInnen, Journalisten und TouristInnen begibt sich im Rahmen einer von Kuoni und Green Cross organisierten Reise in die atomverseuchte Sperrzone von Tschernobyl. Dort besuchen sie Betroffene, werden mit einem Willkommensgruss von der Stadtverwaltung empfangen, wohnen einer Trauerzeremonie zum 25. Jahrestag der Havarie bei und begeben sich auf einen Ausflug in die „Geisterstadt“ Prypjat. 5 Tage lang begleitet und befragt Marina Belobrovaja die Reisenden auf ihrer Tour und konzentriert sich dabei auf deren persönlichen Wahrnehmungen, Ängste und Erkenntnisse. Der Film wurde mit einem Smartphone gedreht. Dieses technische Equipment ermöglichte es der Regisseurin, sich als ein „normales“ Reisemitglied unter die Reisenden zu mischen.
Warm-Glow (50 min)
Regie & Kamera: Marina Belobrovaja
Produktion: Gabriela Bussmann / GoldenEggProduction
Schnitt: Tania Stöcklin und Marina Belobrovaja
Postproduktion: Trinipix
>>>>> more informations / more images

November 29, 2014 - January 24, 2015
Catch of the Year 2014
100 Artists / 100 Works
Ian Anüll, Baltensperger + Siepert, Sylvain Baumann, Nino Baumgartner, Muriel Baumgartner, Eva Bertschinger, Lisa Biedlingmaier, Arienne + Pascale Birchler, Beni Bischof, Andre Bless, Tashi Brauen, Thierry Bröhm, Christoph Brünggel, Sarah Burger, Jonas Burkhalter, Bettina Carl, Francisco Da Mata, Simon Deppierraz, Adem Dërmaku, Bettina Diel, Mark Divo, Andreas Dobler, Benjamin Egger, Marianne Engel, Marianne Engel, Jonas Etter, Sibylle Feucht, Noël Fischer, Joëlle Flumet, Gilles Fontolliet, Anselmo Fox, Anne-Laure Franchette, Mariano Gaich, Federica Gärtner, Nicola Genovese, Clare Goodwin, Bob Gramsma, Colin Guillemet, Marco Nicolas Heinze, Andrea Heller, Mark Hunziker, Alain Jenzer, Jocjonjosch, Chantal Kaufmann, Esther Kempf, Denise Kobler, Vincent Kohler, Eva-Fiore Kovacovsky, Sandra Kühne, Milenko Lazic, Andreas Marti, Esther Mathis, Pietro Mattioli, Giuseppe Micciché, Marianne Mueller, Raoul Müller, Céline Peruzzo, Cora Piantoni, Valentina Pini, Nicolas Raufaste, Gabriele Rerat, Marion Ritzmann, Lara Russi, Christoph Schreiber, Filib Schürmann, Pascal Schwaighofer, Julia Sheppard, Rafal Skoczek, Vreni Spieser, Mia Spindler, Adam Stanko & Helena Sequens, Urs August Steiner, Miriam Sturzenegger, Stefan Sulzer, Una Szeemann / Bohdan Stehlik, Klaus Tinkel, Navid Tschopp, Markus Uhr, Christian Vetter, Werner Widmer, Olivia Wiederkehr, André Willimann, Wink Witholt, Urban Zellweger, Jiajia Zhang / Ann Woo, Silvie Zürcher
>>>>> more informations / more images

November 1. - 14, 2014
Gabriele Rérat (1960 - 2010)
by Cornelia Staffelbach
>>>>> more informations / more images

October 30 - November 2, 2014
DIENSTGEBÄUDE at Art Fair Kunst 14 Zürich
ABB-Hallen, Zürich - Oerlikon
Bettina Diel
curated by Catrina Sonderegger
>>>>> more informations / more images

August 29 - October 4, 2014
Colin Guillemet
Half Full. Half Empty.
Artist Talk: Saturday October 4, 5 - 6 pm, Colin Guillemet in conversation with Nicholas Lobo Brennan
An Edition of Colin Guillemet will be presented end of november 2014!
We celebrate our 50th exhibition at DIENSTGEBÄUDE since the last 6 years!
>>>>> more informations / more image

Installation View Colin Guillemet

May 28 - August 3, 2014
Das IWB-Kunstprojekt „WIR SIND ANDERS - DU AUCH!“ präsentiert:
(IWB - Integriertes Wohnen für Menschen mit Behinderungen - IWB-Ateliers)
Ensemble, c’est tout
Tobias Biber – Victorine Müller
Ruth Frei – Regula Stücheli
Walter Furrer – Veronika Spierenburg
Susanne Kramer – Ingrid Stastny – Esther Kempf – Benjamin Egger
Ueli Nater – Martina Baldinger
Lydia Scherrer – Michael Günzburger
3. Juli 18 Uhr Führung von Damian Christinger mit Künstlergesprächen
4. Juli 18 Uhr „Kompass & Orientierung“ ein richtungsweisender Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Nils Roeller
17. Juli 18 Uhr Führung von Damian Christinger mit Künstlergesprächen
>>>>> more informations / more image

May 24 - June 14, 2014
Navid Tschopp
In Situ(ation)
Sonntag 8.6. , 11 Uhr, Brunch und Spaziergang durchs Quartier mit Navid Tschopp (ca. 1 Std)
Donnerstag 12.6., 18 Uhr, Präsentation Indienprojekt LAYOUT, Gespräch mit Navid Tschopp und M. Pravat
Samstag 14.6., 16 Uhr, Finissage und Spaziergang mit Navid Tschopp und Christoph Lanthemann durchs Quartier
>>>>> more informations / more images
>>>>> Edition Navid Tschopp

March 28 - May 3, 2014
Sandra Kühne
Exhibition, new Book and Edition
>>>>> more informations / more images

Untitled, yet *14
Master Art Education, ZHdK
Friday and Saturday 28.2. + 1.3. only!
>>>>> see Exhibition

30. November 2013 - 18. January 2014
Catch of the Year 2013
100 Artists / 100 Works
Sylvain Baumann, Livio Baumgartner, So:ren/Christian Berner/Ratti, Lisa Biedlingmaier, Arienne/Pascale Birchler, Beni Bischof, Heiko Blankenstein, Martin Blum, Michel Borgmann, Sandra Boeschenstein, Anja Braun, Thierry Bröhm, Sarah Burger, Mischa Camenzind, Françoise Caraco, Delphine Chapuis Schmitz, Julien Charrière, David Chieppo
Pascal Danz, Gabi Deutsch, Mark Divo, Mareike Drobny, Hadrien Dussoix, Christoph Eisenring, Steven Emmanuel, Marianne Engel, Jon Etter, Jonas Etter, René Fahrni, Joëlle Flumet, Marcel Gähler, Jeroen Geel, Adrian/Dionys Germann/Dammann,Ingo Giezendanner (GRRRR), Bob Gramsma, Max Grüter, Colin Guillemet, Trevor Guthrie, Gregory Hari, Pascal Häusermann, Christian Herter, Dominik His, Jan Hostettler, huber.huber, Monica Ursina Jäger, Daniel Karrer, Esther Kempf, Clare Kenny, Petra + Nicolas Koehle + Vermot Petit-Outhenin, Vera Kovac, Markus Kummer, Simon Ledergerber, Karin Lehmann, Sonja Lotta, Konstantinos Manolakis, Andreas Marti, Zeljka Marusic, Mickry 3, Nicholas Micros, David Morrison, Barbara Müller, Raoul Müller, Jos Näpflin, Cat Tuong Nguyen, Céline Peruzzo, Jessica Pooch, Silva Reichwein, Samoa Remy, Marion Ritzmann, Jenny Rova, Sabine Schlatter, Karoline Schreiber, Filib Schürmann, Pascal Schwaighofer, Denis Stoffner, Ana Strika, Felix Studinka, Stefan Sulzberger, Peter Tillessen, Navid Tschopp, Sebastian Utzni, Marcel Van Eeden, Martin Volmer, Roland (Sky) Wagner, Christian Waldvogel, André Willimann, Wink Witholt, Silvie Zürcher
>>>>> more informations / more image

26. October - 1. November 2013
Diplomprüfung 2013, Fotodesign
Diplomarbeiten der Studenten der Fotodesignklassen Bern und Zürich
Pius Bracher, Karin Goldinger, Ruben Hollinger, Severin Jakob, Sara Keller, Regula Kreis, Christian Kueng, Jonas Landolt, Anina Lehmann, Warren Matti, Nina Mattli, Giglio Pasqua, Damian Poffet, Marco Raho, Roman Riegger, Manuel Schaub, Manuel Stettler, Lauretta Suter, Sarah Tschanz-Gugger, Onur Ünal, Pascale Weber
>>>>> www.fotodesign.ch

13. September - 12. October 2013
Let`s invent your language to narrate my story
Christine Boillat, Julian Charrière, Jonathan Delachaux, Jöelle Flumet, Beat Lippert, Denis Savary
curated by Bernard Vienat
This show is connected to the show at "andata.ritorno" in Geneva:
Beni Bischof, Sabine Hertig, Christina Hemauer & Roman Keller, Uriel Orlow, Simone Zaugg
>>>>> link to show
>>>>> Flyer (PDF)
>>>>> Text by Bernard Vienat (PDF)
>>>>> www.andataritornolab.ch
>>>>> Flyer (JPG Artwerk)

18. July - 24. August 2013
Andreas Marti
>>>>> Flyer (PDF)
>>>>> www.andreasmarti.ch
>>>>> zur Ausstellung

31. May - 6. July 2013
Fire It Up!
Ceramic as Material in Contemporary Sculpture
Mai-Thu Perret, Fabien Clerc, Christian Gonzenbach, Mark Divo, Pascal Häusermann, Mickry 3, Guillaume Pilet, Loredana Sperini, Aubry/Broquard, Maude Schneider
curated by Olga Stefan
>>>>> Flyer (PDF)
>>>>> Text by Olga Stefan (PDF)
>>>>> see Exhibition
>>>>> Website Olga Stefan
Thanks to Pro Helvetia, Schweizer Kulturstiftung

10. - 25. May
Federica Gärtner
Sites / Orte
>>>>> Flyer (PDF)
>>>>> see Exhibition
>>>>> Text von Patrizia Mazzei (PDF)

30. March - 20. April 2013
Wink Witholt
Little Carpet on the Floor
>>>>> Flyer (PDF)
>>>>> Text by Isabelle Zürcher (PDF)
>>>>> see Exhibition
>>>>> Edition DIENSTGEBÄUDE by Wink Witholt

8. Februar - 2. März 2013
Glaser / Kunz
Ariane Andereggen
Sandra Boeschenstein
Florence Jung
Tom Menzi
Annaik Lou Pitteloud
Vreni Spieser
kuratiert von Jasmin Glaab
>>>>> Flyer (PDF)
>>>>> see Exhibition
>>>>> Text by Jasmin Glaab (PDF)

Installationsansicht Glaser / Kunz

26. und 27. Januar 2013
Arbeiten in der Kunst. Halbzeitpausen.
Ausstellungsprojekt Master Art Education Bilden & Vermitteln, ZHdK
Alex Ochsner, Alice Gut, Anina Meier, Brigitte Friedlos, Carlo Della Chiesa, Charlotte Pistor, Elisabeth Payer, Ladina Gerber, Lubomira Lavrikova, Markus Giezendanner, Marlene Hellmann, Natalie Meister, Nina Kuhn, Noëmi Stähli, Sereina Deplazes, Simona Nussbaumer, Sophia Rosina Basler
>>>>> Flyer (PDF)

7. Dezember 2012 - 12. Januar 2013
Catch of the Year 2012
100 Künstler / 100 Werke
Opening Do 6. Dezember 2012 ab 18 Uhr bis spät mit Bar und Crêpes
>>>>> Flyer (PDF)
>>>>> zur Ausstellung
>>>>> Werkliste (PDF)
Ian Anüll, Tatiana Arce, Luigi Archetti, Baggenstos/Rudolf, Béatrice Bailet, Muriel Baumgartner, Sandra Boeschenstein, Reto Boller, Thierry Bröhm, Clifford E. Bruckmann, Christoph Brünggel, Mischa Camenzind, Bettina Carl, Delphine Chapuis Schmitz, David Chieppo, Com&Com und Julian Käser, Gianin Conrad, Pascal Danz, Gabi Deutsch, Marcel van Eeden, Steven Emmanuel, Marianne Engel, Ruth Erdt, Jon Etter, Jonas Etter, René Fahrni, Joëlle Flumet, Franziska Furter, Mariano Gaich, Federica Gärtner, Adrian Germann, Germann/Lorenzi, Ingo Giezendanner, Patrick Graf, Bob Gramsma, Colin Guillemet, Paul Harper, Pascal Häusermann, Andrea Heller, Henrik Hentschel, Domink His, Susanne Hofer, Florence Jung, Anastasia Katsidis, Esther Kempf, Koorder, Markus Kummer, Marc Latzel, Heinrich Lüber, Brigitte Lustenberger, Andreas Marti, Pietro Mattioli, Tom Menzi, Raoul Müller, Cat Tuong Nguyen, Karim Patwa, Annaïk Lou Pitteloud, Gregory Polony, Sam Porritt, Alain Rappaport, Silva Reichwein, Matthias Rüegg, Giampaolo Russo, Anina Schenker, Sabine Schlatter, Karin Schuh, Pascal Schwaighofer, Sebastian Sieber, Mareike Spalteholz, Regula Spörri, Bertold Stallmach, Dominik Stauch, Nora Steiner, Miriam Steinhauser, Denis Stoffner, Regula Stücheli, Peter Tillessen, Navid Tschopp, Markus Uhr, Sebastian Utzni, Christian Vetter, Christian Waldvogel, Heike Weber, Markus Weiss, Andreas Widmer, Wink Witholt, Jiajia Zhang, Michael Züger, Silvie Zürcher

Installationsansicht Catch of the Year 2012

2. - 24. November 2012
Marianne Engel
Ingo Giezendanner
>>>>> zur Ausstellung
>>>>> Flyer
>>>>> Text von Barbara Hatebur (PDF)

8. - 11. November 2012
DIENSTGEBÄUDE at Art Fair Kunst 12 Zürich
Nomination Im Rahmen des ZKB-Förderpreises:
Markus Kummer
>>>>> mehr Informationen
>>>>> Text von Patrizia Mazzei (PDF)
>>>>> Flyer (PDF)

26. - 28. Oktober 2012
Diplomausstellung Fotodesigner 2012
Diplomarbeiten der Studenten der Fotodesignklasse Zürich
Claudia Link, Annick Ramp, Kapuly Dietrich, Marion Bernet, Alan Maag, Onur Ünal, Thomas Odermatt
>>>>> www.fotodesign.ch
>>>>> Flyer

7. September - 6. Oktober 2012
Pascal Schwaighofer
Sketches for a Sundial
>>>>> Einladungskarte (PDF)
>>>>> zur Ausstellung
>>>>> Artikel Kunstbulletin (Franz Krähenbühl)
>>>>> Ausstellungstext von Stefan Wagner (PDF)
>>>>> CV Pascal Schwaighofer
>>>>> Edition Pascal Schwaighofer
Die Ausstellung wurde von Pro Helvetia, Schweizer Kulturstiftung, unterstützt.

31. Mai - 30. Juni 2012
Joëlle Allet
Delphine Chapuis Schmitz
Esther Kempf
>>>>> Flyer (PDF)
>>>>> zur Ausstellung
>>>>> Ausstllungstext von Isabelle Zürcher (PDF)

Installationsansicht: Esther Kempf un Delphine Chapuis Schmitz
