Tuesday March 8, 2016, 7 - 9pm
Itinerant Projects presents:
An Evening at the Nickelodeon: Towards Dada in Moving Images
In the United States, Nickelodeons were the first indoor facilities dedicated to screening motion pictures, usually in converted storefronts. For about 20 years, starting in 1905 until the rise of the movie palaces of the 1920s, Nickelodeons were there to offer a more intimate movie experience to Everyman.
The name for these makeshift movie theaters came from the entrance fee, which was a nickel (5c).
Film's historic connection to magic, illusionism and vaudeville lent itself perfectly to the absurd interdisciplinary experiments of the Dadaists and later the Surrealists. Our selection of films traces the technical developments in cinema while highlighting the influence cinema had on avant-garde art practices and they on it, not only blurring the lines between art and film, but eliminating them entirely.
Films by:
Georges Melies, Hans Richter, Rene Clair, Marcel Duchamp, Germaine Dulac...
Introduction to the films and the historical context, followed by a screening and apero.
In keeping with the tradition of the Nickelodeon, entrance fee is 1.50fr, the equivalent of a 1905 nickel adjusted for inflation.
Presented by Itinerant Projects, Olga Stefan
www.olgaistefan.wordpress. com