Summer show: August / September
Pearl / Gem / Spam
Brigham Baker, Jonas Etter, Tina Greg, Esther Kempf, Andreas Marti, Dominic Michel
During August and September we will present selected works out of DIENSTGEBÄUDE studios.
Ongoing at PS3: Chloë Cheuk
Performance by Esther Kempf
at 5pm, July 28 (only if the sun is shining!)
Open by appointment only!

Dominic Michel and Brigham Baker

Jonas Etter (on the floor), Brigham Baker (wall), (Stephane Barbier Bouvet, from the former show)

Dominic Michel (corner), Andreas Marti (wall and on the floor)

light performance of Eshter Kempf

Dominic Miichel, Jonas Etter

Esther Kempf (Installation view, leading the sun light by mirrors into the space on disco ball)

Tina Greg

Jonas Etter

Installation view, detail Jonas Etter

Joung visitor / joung artist

cozy summer opening in the garden
Images: Dienstgebäude, Dominic Michel